Whilst it is important to reduce our impacts during development stage, we also need to ensure that we help our customers to live as sustainably as possible once they move in. More than 70% of the carbon emissions from a new Miller Home arise from the use of energy when the home is lived in. Our design changes under the new building regulations will deliver carbon reductions, but there are other things we can do too.

Renewable energy
Renewable sources of energy are a key plank in our carbon reduction strategy. As well as reducing carbon emissions when we are building homes, we also hand over our new homes with a renewable electricity tariff in place.
How we do it
At present we are moving towards our renewable energy goals by buying our electricity from a renewable tariff where these are available. We’re also exploring ways to work with others to access more renewable electricity. On top of that we are installing more solar technology on the homes we build to help our customers live more sustainably.
At present around 65% of our electricity supply is guaranteed renewable. Our target is for 100% of our electricity supplies to come from renewable sources by 2024.
How it is measured
Currently, we simply measure the % of our total electricity supply which is guaranteed by a Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin or REGO.

Sustainable timber
Forests regulate our climate, clean the air we breathe, and filter the water we drink. They provide habitat for more than two-thirds of terrestrial wildlife and plants and as housebuilders, they are one of our most important resources.
How we do it
All of our group suppliers of timber products hold either PEFC or FSC certification. Our own timber manufacturing company holds PEFC certification chain of custody certification for all timber it uses.
And it is not just the frame and structure of our new homes that matters. All of the kitchens installed in Miller Homes are 100% FSC certified, and we have also introduced two kitchen designs made from 100% recycled timber giving our customers a wider range of sustainable choices.
How it is measured
Through our Supplier Assessment questionnaire, we ask our suppliers for evidence of due diligence on any timber-related products they use, and we also audit certificates and invoices for evidence that FSC or PEFC timber is being supplied.